November 29,2011
It upsets me when I see good websites on the internet publish articles that support tyrants. A few such websites include: "Intifada Palestine", "Global Research" and "Prison Planet".
Today I read an article which promotes the lies of a tyrant known as Assad. It is the purpose of "Intifada Palestine" to have articles about Palestine. Such articles are excellent. But several times this website has published articles that are nothing more than pro-Assad propaganda. It has described itself as being a website that is about Palestine-yet it publishes articles which has nothing to do with Palestine. The editors of this website are acting contrary to its purpose.
There are a number of different street gangs in the city known as "Earth". The global oligarchy is one of the gangs. Pro Qaddafi people are another gang. Those who are pro-Assad are yet another gang. Why did the global oligarchy get involved in Libya? Well, one of the obvious reasons is because their agenda and Qaddafi's agenda clashed. The global oligarchy's agenda is to rule all of humanity. Qaddafi's agenda was to be emperor of Africa. The agendas of these two gangs clashed, so the global oligarchy went after Qaddafi.
As far as Assad is concerned both he and his father have been terrorizing the people of Syria for decades. Both the Assad gang and the Qaddafi gang are terrorists who have been terrorizing the people of their countries for decades. Both gangs have treated popular dissent the same way- through brutal oppression of the people. When demonstrators come out to the streets they are shot at and murdered by police and military personnel. Both gangs have been some what successful in promoting themselves as Pro-Palestinian activists. They are using the Palestinian issue to promote themselves.
It angers me that some anti-oligarchy groups are so ignorant about what is going on that they support tyrants who are massacring civilians -just because the global oligarchy is being hostile towards such tyrants. The public in general should be aware of the global oligarchy, but they also should be aware that there are others-other than the global oligarchy- who are involved in tyranny.